Muss schon Samstag, sonst nimmst Du vielen mit weiterer Anreise die Möglichkeit im entsprannten Rahmen dabei zu sein.
Ich wäre jedenfalls nicht bereit morgens 400km zu fahren um Mittags nen Schnitzel zu essen und dann Nachmittags wieder zurück zu düsen.
Und für den Gladiator, der evtl. mit Töchterchen kommt ist das denke ich mal auch besser, oder?
Beiträge von - DC -
Kleine Ursache große Wirkung oder wat sachste...
Working as electrical engineer for a global leader trains you every day, whether you like it or not.
Well, Corsa E without LS dont have to change transmission oil due to yearly inspection, so these divers are actually not affected.
Sadly the situation often is vice versa: Opel servicepartners must be advised by customers that they have to change transmission oil, because LS is present in gearbox...Internal communication and information policy of Opel/GM often is pretty catastrophy...
HAS allways fills 2,5litre in the gearbox. 1.8l is WAY not enough.
R U really sure?
Afaik HAS fills 2,5l in the completely dry Gearbox, after opening and reparing it.
Refilling 2,5 litre due to oil change is little too much i think...
BOT402 is GL4 SAE 75W-85
BOT303 is GL4 SAE 70W
Again: Neither BOT402 nor BOT303 has got explicit limited slip features.
Opel gave BO303 as successor of BOT402 to Drexler to test it, Drexler tested it with its diff in the M32 Gearbox and gave green lights.
Opel then says only Corsa D OPC NRE should use that transmission Oil, all other Corsas D - even normal OPC - should use BOT402.
Corsa E OPC with PP (PP=Performace Package: 4-piston Brembo calipers and Drexler diff) infact IS the Corsa D OPC NRE, beacuse whole Powertrain is completely 1:1 identical.
The normaly Corsa E OPC without PP has got no specific permission for BOT303, maybe thats the cause the second bottle says no to E OPC.
BOT303 is the one, that belongs to Corsa E OPC with PP, not the BOT402.And yes, Opel Servicepartners themselfes are often confusend how to deal with Corsa E OPC PP, because its really rare.
Not so rare is the fact that customers like us are better informed than them ...
Ob Du das überhaupt bei dieser Witterung erfühlen kannst?
Was mag darüber gehen, 400Watt vielleicht?
Viel mehr kann es nicht sein, denn bei 400W Heizleistung und 12V Bordspannung biste bei 33Ampere die da fließen, die Anschlusskabel haben (von der Optik her geschätzt) 2,5mm² , da biste dann schon am Anschlag was geht.
Ich glaube nicht, dass die Temperatur geregelt ist, also im Sinne von nicht Aktivierung bei Temperaturen über X°C, die Heckscheibenheizung kannste ja auch jederzeit einschalten.Wenn Du die Möglichkeit hättest eine Thermografiekamera auszuleihen wäre das nen Versuch in kühlen Morgen-/Abendstunden wert.
Opel changed the supplier of the bearings roundabout 2009, the new ones where much cheaper for Opel, but much worse for the customer.
HAS-Antriebstechnik, the lead german expert for M32 reconditioning researched that, because they had a lot of trouble with the bearings too - after repairing (changing the bearings too!) and return to their customers the dynamo sound returns.
Since 2015 HAS replaices the bearings with the erlier ones (till 2009) and now all complaints are gone.
And yes, a filling amount of 1,8 litres is also debateble, some guys here put in 2,1litre, if i remember correctly.
Hey Jasco,
At first: Don't be too worry about that dynamo noise.
Yes, u should'nt wait 5 years to fix it, but my gearbox for example sounds over a year now, it began really whisper qiuet and today u can hear it better driving with open windows.
Nonetheless it still works fine, i will make an appointment for maintenance some of the next months...
The "right" gearbox oil for performanc-package is the BOT303 (OPEL Partnr. 19 40 004), this was used for the Corsa D nürburgring-edition, which the Corsa E OPC with performance-package is technical improved successor.
BOT303 is also the successor of BOT402 (Opel Partnr. 19 40 182), both are fully synthetic GL4 smooth-running oils, but without explicit limitied slip features, so generally u can use both equally.
But back then Opel gave drexler the M32 with the newer oil BOT303 to test that package together with the drexler differential, drexler tested it and approved the BOT303, so probably thats the cause Opel took it in serviceplan as "the right one" for drexler limited slip differential.
Yealry change of Gearbox oil with drexler ist very important, but that dynamo noise is not a consequence of using the wrong oil, it is a constructive problem!All M32 gearboxes are affected, even with yearly change of oil, sadly its only a question of time...
Wenn Du die Front eures Corsaren mit der OPC Front vergleichst, wirst Du feststellen, dass Du Eure Front entweder via Heißluftfön weichmachen und modelieren oder mit der Säbelsäge bearbeiten müsstest, damit die wesentlich größeren Chromblenden vom OPC passen.
Natürlich alles flapsig gemeint und keine wirklichen Lösungsvorschläge, denn es geht einfach nicht. -
Ja das passt!*
*...wenn Du die Front mit wechselst.